The Pen of A Ready Writer Publishing

Do you want to discuss your ambition as a future author?

Book a Free 15-minute consultation:

Package 1: Amazon KDP Paperback Publishing (contact for price)

Estimated timeframe: 6-8 weeks.

  • Paperback publication on Amazon KDP
  • Professional editing services for your manuscript.
  • A 'Publishing Roadmap" to help you navigate your self-publishing journey.
  • Choice of three basic cover designs for your paperback book.
  • A list of free and effective book promotion strategies for authors to explore.
  • 5 complimentary paperback copies of your book.
  • ISBN not included

With this package, you have the option to choose from three basic cover designs for your paperback book. If you prefer a more customized cover, you also have access to resources to find a cover designer. This package is designed for authors who desire to begin their journey to self-publishing by publishing a paperback format on Amazon KDP and are looking for basic cover design options.


Package 2: Standard Self-Publishing -(contact for price)

Estimated timeframe: 8 to 12 weeks.

  • Paperback publication on 3 major platforms.
  • 10 complimentary paperback copies of your book.
  • Professional editing services for your manuscript.
  • Choice of three cover designs for your paperback book.
  • ISBN registration included.
  • A "Publishing Roadmap" to guide you through your self-publishing journey.
  • A list of free and effective book promotion strategies for authors to explore.

    This package is perfect for authors seeking a comprehensive self-publishing solution, including professional editing, cover design, ISBN registration, and formatting for multiple platforms.

Package 3: Premium Self-Publishing (contact for price)

Estimated timeframe: 12 to 20 weeks.

  • Paperback publication on 3 major platforms.
  • ebook publication
  • 10 complimentary paperback copies of your book.
  • Professional editing services for your manuscript.
  • Custom book cover design tailored to your vision.
  • ISBN registration included.
  • A "Publishing Roadmap" to guide you through your self-publishing journey.
  • Comprehensive "Author's Toolkit" with resources.
  • Tips on creating an author website.
  • Assistance in setting up a separate social media page. (optional)
  • Comprehensive book marketing and promotion resources.

This package is designed for authors seeking an all-in-one self-publishing and marketing solution. It includes professional editing, custom cover design, ISBN registration, and extensive marketing resources to assist in boosting your book's visibility.